Cortona3D is a world leader in 3D visual communication and publishing software and provides tools for transforming CAD data into “Visual Know-How” for product maintenance and training. A privately held company founded in 1989, Cortona3D is headquartered in Ireland. Its customers include companies such as Boeing, Airbus, General Atomics, Pfizer, NASA, Daimler, Volkswagen, ESA and Ford.

The partnership agreement with Cortona3D has two objectives:

  • Support of the 3D Integration Engineering Performance Package:
    The package presented in the GRIPS newsletter for Q3 2017 is also intended to be supported for Cortona3D. This means that GRIPS customers who are already using Cortona3D or are planning to purchase this tool will benefit from the GRIPS 3D integration.
  • Implementation of the AR Performance Package for Re’flekt One:
    This can be used to create and maintain points of interest (POIs) and animations for the Re’flekt One Augmented Reality Package, which also function interactively in 3D and in augmented reality.

Cortona3D makes it possible to generate visual communication with manageable manual effort. Thanks to the partnership, the semantic information management approach taken by GRIPS can be applied to 3D visual communication, including augmented reality, in addition to text, images and videos.

Studies show that, for users, it

  • Makes learning easier
  • Makes work more efficient
  • Reduces errors.

This provides even inexperienced users and service engineers with effective support in complex processes, which is particularly valuable in times of a shortage of skilled labor.