GRIPS users ask time and again how they can plan projects and automate frequent tasks in GRIPS, e.g.

  • Automatically publish in source and target languages
  • Automatically create and initiate translation orders

Simple workflows have been supported for several years now:

  • Planning using the Planning Package (based on the GRIPS Cockpit additional component)
  • Automation using the Intelligent Publishing Assistant Package (“GRIPS Automation”)

Since 2017, the Business Process Automation Package has been supporting even complex workflows with automatic and manual steps. Depending on requirements, any business systems, such as SAP, can be accessed (typically via web services) in order to export or import data or content. The package also provides convenient reporting functions in order to make the status and content of active and completed workflows available.

STAR specifies and implements the workflow steps together with the customer for commissioning the Business Process Automation Package. Customer-specific data fields can also be included and used in the workflow.

In this example, publication is initiated when the status is manually set to “C50 Published”. This gives users complete control over when the workflow is started:

Creating and planning a translation and publication workflow. Left: Selected GRIPS project. Center: Details of the project. Right: Information unit address and status that initiates the workflow.


If requested by the customer, the workflows can also be initiated fully automatically, for example in order to publish documents automatically as soon as the translation is complete. Additional customer-specific data relating to milestones (Release, Pre-Series, Start of Production, Translation) can be added to the workflow too. The milestones from the customer-specific fields are also displayed in the planning view:


Timeline with milestones. The plan can be adapted by simple drag and drop.


The target languages for the translation can be defined and additional files can be added:


Dashboards provide project managers with an overview of ongoing workflows, including customer-specific data:

Order overview with order number, order title, current process step, source language, target language and language deadlines


A single click on the dashboard displays details relating to the order or workflow. If an error occurs, the user is informed of the cause and given the ability to correct the error manually.

Details and timestamp of the workflow steps that have already been completed


The Business Process Automation Package carries out routine tasks quickly, simply and flawlessly – particularly when it comes to translation management and publication – and without any of the fatigue associated with performing such work manually.


GRIPS release notes for 2018.02 up to build 04


We have been supplying all customers with the release 2018.02 build 04 since Q2 2018. It boasts the following improvements in addition to the new features that were unveiled in the last newsletter for 2018.02 build 01:

  • Restoring the context of a comment: A comment can refer to data that has been changed since the original comment was written. To enable users to understand the original context of the comment at any time, it is now possible to restore the historical version from the point in time when the comment was written. All GRIPS modules (Matrix, Editor, Viewer) and the web browser (“Online Review” and “Online Preview” publication types) now feature the “Restore comment context” button for this purpose.
  • Additional functions in the “Publication definition” dialog: The user is able to block, edit and re-release multiple files at once. In addition, files can be open in tabs which can be individually closed or moved. The dialog also features the following functions:
    • Optimized navigation within the publication files
    • Individually configurable keyboard macros
    • Freely configurable syntax highlighting
    • Search function including fuzzy search
    • Filter for error messages
    • Entry reset

When used together, these new features turn the “Publication definition” dialog into an integrated development environment with its own editor.

In the last newsletter, we announced features for Q3, some of which have already been implemented:

  • Editing GRIPS user details via a web browser:Previously, users with the “Reviewer” role – depending on their authorizations – had no access to the “Edit user details…” dialog for changing the password, e-mail address, phone number, etc. A new function in JadeToGrips now enables users to edit their own user details via a web browser: With this update, and after adaptation of the “Online Review” and “Online Preview” publication types, the user can sign in using the “User details” button and enter their username and password.
  • Displaying missing characters: Unsupported characters are logged in the GRIPS Viewer’s “Layout report”; however, it used to be difficult to identify their exact position. This update provides the GRIPS Viewer with the additional function “Display missing characters with a question mark, compile layout again”. This generates a layout in which all missing characters are marked with “?”. The user can select the individual occurrences in the layout report. These are then highlighted in the layout by a red arrow.

Release Notes



Partnership agreement with Cortona3D for 3D visual communication and AR editing


Cortona3D is a world leader in 3D visual communication and publishing software and provides tools for transforming CAD data into “Visual Know-How” for product maintenance and training. A privately held company founded in 1989, Cortona3D is headquartered in Ireland. Its customers include companies such as Boeing, Airbus, General Atomics, Pfizer, NASA, Daimler, Volkswagen, ESA and Ford.

The partnership agreement with Cortona3D has two objectives:

  • Support of the 3D Integration Engineering Performance Package:
    The package presented in the GRIPS newsletter for Q3 2017 is also intended to be supported for Cortona3D. This means that GRIPS customers who are already using Cortona3D or are planning to purchase this tool will benefit from the GRIPS 3D integration.
  • Implementation of the AR Performance Package for Re’flekt One:
    This can be used to create and maintain points of interest (POIs) and animations for the Re’flekt One Augmented Reality Package, which also function interactively in 3D and in augmented reality.

Cortona3D makes it possible to generate visual communication with manageable manual effort. Thanks to the partnership, the semantic information management approach taken by GRIPS can be applied to 3D visual communication, including augmented reality, in addition to text, images and videos.

Studies show that, for users, it

  • Makes learning easier
  • Makes work more efficient
  • Reduces errors.

This provides even inexperienced users and service engineers with effective support in complex processes, which is particularly valuable in times of a shortage of skilled labor.